2017.8-2018.8,The University of Sheffield (英国),访问教授
2014.1-2015.1,Curtin University of Technology (澳大利亚),访问学者
SCI期刊《Fuel》副主编(Associate Principal Editor),客座主编(Managing Guest Editor),石油化工高等学校学报编委;湖北省化学化工学会理事,山西省青年科技工作者协会理事、能源与环境组副秘书长,山西省能源环境领域技术与战略专家,山西省碳达峰碳中和科技专项行动-节能环保专家组成员,教育部/山东省/安徽省等科学技术奖函评专家,国家自然科学基金函评专家等。

1.<![endif]>YiQun, Li Wenying*, Feng Jie, Xie Kechang. Carbon cycle in advanced coal chemicalengineering. Chem. Soc. Rev., 44:5409-5445, 2015.(SCI,一区/Q1,IF= 54.56)
2.<![endif]>GongMinhui, Yi Qun*, Huang Yi, Wu Guo-sheng, Hao Yanhong, Feng Jie, Li Wenying*.Coke oven gas to methanol process integrated with CO2recycle forhigh energy efficiency, economic benefits and low emissions. Energy Convers.Manage., 133:318-331, 2017.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 9.71)
3.Yi Qun; Liu Tingting; Wang Xingbao; Shan Yuanyuan; Li Xiangyuan; Ding Minggong;Shi Lijuan*; Zeng Hongbo*; Wu Yucheng*; One-step multiple-site integrationstrategy for CO2capture and conversion into cyclic carbonates underatmospheric and cocatalyst/metal/solvent-free conditions, Appl. Catal., B, 283:119620. 2021. (SCI,一区/Q1, IF=19.50)
4.Yi Qun,Wu Guosheng,Gong Minhui,Huang Yi,Feng Jie,HaoYanhong,Li Wenying*. A feasibility study for CO2recycleassistance with coke oven gas to synthetic natural gas. Appl. Energy,193:149-161, 2017.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 9.75)
5.Yi Qun, Zhao Yingjie, Huang Yi, Wei Guoqiang, Hao Yanhong, Feng Jie, WilliamNimmo*, Li Wenying*. Life cycle energy-economic-CO2emissionsevaluation of biomass/coal, with and without CO2capture and storage,in a pulverized fuel combustion power plant in the United Kingdom. Appl.Energy. 225:258-272, 2018.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 9.75)
6.Huang Yi, Yi Qun*, Kang Jingxian, Zhang YaGang, Li Wenying*, Feng Jie, XieKechang. Investigation and optimization analysis on deployment of China coalchemical industry under carbon emission constraints. Appl. Energy, 254:113684.2019.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 9.75)
7.Huang Yi, Yi Qun*, Wei Guoqiang, Kang Jingxian, Li Wenying*, Feng Jie, XieKechang. Energy use, greenhouse gases emission and cost effectiveness of anintegrated high–and low–temperatureFisher–Tropsch synthesis plant from a lifecycle viewpoint.Appl. Energy, 228:1009-1019. 2018.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 9.75)
8.Yi Qun, Gong Minhui, Zhang Jilong, Huang Yi, Feng Jie, Li Wenying*. Processdevelopment of coke oven gas to methanol integrated with CO2recyclefor satisfactory techno-economic performance. Energy, 112: 618-628, 2016.(SCI,一区/Q1,IF= 7.15)
9.Yi Qun, Feng Jie*, Wu Yanli, Li Wenying*. 3E (energy, environmental, andeconomy) evaluation and assessment to an innovative dual-gas polygenerationsystem. Energy, 66: 285-294, 2014.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 7.15)
10.Yi Qun, Li Wengying*, Zhang Xiaochao, Feng Jie, Zhang Jilong*, Wu Jinjing.Tech-economic evaluation of waste cooking oil to bio-flotation agent technologyin the coal flotation industry. J. Clean. Prod., 95:131-141. 2015. (SCI,一区/Q1, IF=9.30)
11.Yi Qun, Zhang Jilong, Zhang Xiaochao, Feng Jie, Li Wenying*. Synthesis of SO42−/Zr-SBA-15catalyst for the transesterification of waste cooking oil as a bio-flotationagent in coal flotation. Fuel, 143:390-398, 2015. (SCI,一区/ Q1,IF=6.609)
12.Hao Yanhong,Huang Yi,Gong Minhui,Li Wenying*,Feng Jie,Yi Qun*. A polygeneration from a dual-gas partial catalyticoxidation coupling with anoxygen-permeable membrane reactor,Energy Convers. Manage.,106:466-478, 2015.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 9.71)
13.Qin Zhifeng; Zhao Yingjie; Yi Qun*; Shi Lijuan*; Li Congming; Yan Xiaoliang;Ren Jun; Miao, Maoqian; Xie Kechang; Methanation of coke oven gas over Ni-Ce/γ-Al2O3catalyst using a tubular heatexchangereactor: Pilot-scale test and process optimization, Energy Convers. Manage.,204: 112302. 2019.(SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 9.71)
14.Usama Mohamed; Zhao Yingjie; Huang Yi; Cui Yang; Shi Lijuan; Li Congming;Mohamed Pourkashanian; Wei Guoqiang; Yi Qun*; William Nimmo*; Sustainabilityevaluation of biomass direct gasification using chemical looping technology forpower generation with and w/o CO2capture, Energy. 205: 117904. 2020.(SCI,一区/Q1,IF= 7.15)
15.Shi Lijuan; QiKai; Wu Haonan; Li Jie; Qiu Mingyue; Deng Cunbao; Yi Qun*;In-situ amino-functionalization of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks forhigh-efficiency capture of low-concentration CO2from flue gas.Fuel,298: 120875, 2021. (SCI,一区/ Q1,IF= 6.609)
16.Zhao Yingjie; Zhang Yuke; Cui Yang; Duan Yuanyuan; Huang Yi; Wei Guoqiang;Usama Mohamed; Shi Lijuan; Yi Qun*; Pinch combined with exergy analysis forheat exchange network and technoeconomic evaluation of coal chemical loopingcombustion power plant with CO2capture; Energy, 238: 121720, 2022.(SCI,一区/Q1,IF= 7.15)
17.Zhou Huan; Zhang Zheming; Yi Qun*; Wei Guoqiang*; Zhao Yingjie; Zhang Yuke;Huang Zhen; Zheng Anqing; Zhao Kun; Zhao Zengli; Reactivity investigation onchemical looping gasification of coal with iron-manganese based oxygen carrier.Fuel,307: 121772, 2022.(SCI,一区/Q1,IF= 6.609)
18.Zhou Huan; Yi Qun*; Wei Guoqiang*; Zhang Yuke; Hou Yalei; Huang Zhen; ZhengAnqing; Zhao Zengli; Li Haibin; Reaction performance and lattice oxygenmigration of MnFe2O4oxygen carrier in methane-carbondioxide reaction system, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 45:30254-30266. 2020. (SCI,二区/ Q1,IF=4.939)
19.Usama Mohamed; Zhao Yingjie; Yi Qun*; Shi Lijuan; Wei Guoqiang; William Nimmo*;Evaluation of life cycle energy, economy and CO2emissions forbiomass chemical looping gasification to power generation. Renew.Energ., 176:366-387, 2021. (SCI,一区/Q1,IF= 8.0001)
20.Zhang Yu-ke, Zhao Ying-jie, Yi Qun*, Wei Guo-qiang*, Shi Li-juan, Zhou Huan;NiO/κ-CeZrO4functional oxygen carrierswith Niδ+and oxygenvacancy synergy for chemical looping partial oxidation reforming of methane.Fuel Process. Technol.,219: 106875, 2021. (SCI,二区/ Q1,IF=4.982)
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