何禄英 博士 硕导
2015-至今 太阳集团tyc5997太阳集团tyc5997
2011-2015 德国基尔大学Otto-Diels-Institutefor Organic Chemistry 博士
2008-2011 华南理工大学化学与化工学院硕博连读
2004-2008 西南大学食品科学学院学士
1、 Lu-Ying He; Li, K.; Xiong, J,* Study on the surfacesegregation evolution of Ag-TiOx nanocomposite coatings. Journal ofExperimental Nanoscience, 2020, 15: 381-389.
2、 Xiong J,Lu-Ying He,* Influence of Na+content on the structure and morphology of TiO2 nanoparticlesprepared by hydrothermal transformation of alkaline titanate nanotubes, Journalof Experimental Nanoscience, 2017, 12(1): 384-393.
3、 Lu-Ying He, M. Schulz-Senft, B. Thiedemann, J. Linshoeft, P. J.Gates, and A. Staubitz,*Nucleophile Selective Cross-Coupling Reactions with Vinyl and Alkynyl Bromides on a Dinucleophilic AromaticSubstrate,European Journal of Organic Chemistry,2015, 11: 2498-2502.
4、 Lu-Ying He, S. Urrego-Riveros, P. J. Gates, C. Naether, M.Brinkmann, V. Abetz and A. Staubitz,* Synthesis ofPoly(thiophene-alt-pyrrole) from a Difunctionalized Thienylpyrrole by KumadaPolycondensation,Tetrahedron, 2015, 71: 5399-5406.
5、 Lu-Ying He,*Bis(tri-tert-butylphosphine)palladium(0)[Pd(t-Bu3P)2],Synlett, 2015, 26(06): 851-852.